Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)


  • Range: 15-90 (15 items, 1-6 each).

  • All items are worded to reflect mindlessness, so the raw score is used directly (no reverse calculation needed since the scale is already reversed in interpretation). Higher scores = more mindfulness.

  • Average score (1-6) is calculated by dividing total by 15, as this is standard for MAAS reporting.

  • ≤3: Low mindfulness (high mindlessness)

  • 3.1-4.5: Moderate mindfulness
  • 4.5: High mindfulness

    These are approximate cutoffs based on typical MAAS usage; exact norms may vary slightly.
  • All "Almost Always" (1): 15 × 1 = 15, Average = 1 (Low).

  • All "Almost Never" (6): 15 × 6 = 90, Average = 6 (High).

  • All "Somewhat Frequently" (3): 15 × 3 = 45, Average = 3 (Low/Moderate border). The logic aligns with the scale’s design.
